Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Score: Anna, 1. Chicken, 0.

I guess the chicken should possibly get half a point. Jackie did have to loosen it in the package because it was so stuck in there, and I didn't want to dig my fingers in the slimy-ness. So she loosened it.

I only hesitated a little. I would like to point out that I am off to a strong start - a slight hesitation is to be expected. And I did succeed. I'll try to talk Jackie into writing about the night of chicken success.

Jackie giggled the entire time. She thought it was hilarious.

Basically, once it was in the pan the challenge was over. I guess I just need to keep in mind that I only have to touch the chicken for a few seconds. It was not enjoyable, but it did eventually taste good.

In the future, we'll be taking pictures of these challenges. The next challenge won't be so much of a fear as an extreme dislike. But you'll have to wait to read about that.


  1. This was a forward moving action for you. I will keep an eye out for the photos. Prof. Lawson-Borders

  2. Good job Anna! And now that you are a quarter century old, I am sure the rest of the challenges will become easy! (It goes with old age.)

  3. I talked to you during this experience and there was only mild hyperventilation. I am very impressed. So will there be a next time in the raw chicken cooking experiences?

  4. Hmm. Yes, I think so. But I'll be buying tongs.
